
Photolab 4 review
Photolab 4 review

photolab 4 review

There is more to creating a great photo than just clicking the button on your camera and saving the results onto disk. The processed image is shown in the bottom half of the screen

photolab 4 review

Here I am using DxO PhotoLab 2 to process the original image (seen in the top half of the screen) by setting parameters to improve the contrast, colour saturation and brightness. If you’ve taken a photograph and the colours, sharpness or exposure are not quite what you want, this software will help you enhance the image to achieve a more satisfactory, pleasing or dramatic effect. DxO PhotoLab 2 (Elite Edition) £159 (currently on offer at £119.99)ĭxO PhotoLab 2 (Essential Edition) £99 (currently on offer at £79.99)ĭxO PhotoLab 2 is an image processing packaged aimed specifically at photographers.

Photolab 4 review